10 Healthiest menu items from the most popular fast food restaurants

Healthiest Menu Items From The Most Popular Fast Food Restaurants

Sometimes there’s no avoiding it – a fast food restaurant tempts us with a perfect ad, and our hungry eyes look beyond the bowl of broccoli to the fat-soaked cheeseburger staring right back at us. What can a man do?

Well believe it or not – it can actually be healthy to indulge in fast food from time to time. Get in!

If you’re eating clean all week, you can kick-start your metabolism by having a cheat meal on the weekends. But that doesn’t mean that you should necessarily pick the most god awful item from the menu. There are some great, health-conscious options that are available in many popular restaurants, that will curb your desire for fast food without leaving you with unhealthy consequences.

In this article you’ll find a list of 10 great items that actually constitute great bodybuilding meals.

1. MC DONALDS – Premium Grilled Chicken Classic Sandwich, with black coffee

MC DONALDS - Premium Grilled Chicken Classic Sandwich
MC DONALDS – Premium Grilled Chicken Classic Sandwich

This is arguably the best bodybuilding meal you can get at Mc Donalds. Grilled chicken is a top protein choice even if you’re dieting and striving to lose weight. It has a good balance between protein, carbs, fats and doesn’t contain a lot of sodium.

You could of course add a ton of toppings, sauce, mayo or ketchup, but that would defeat the purpose. A better option is to add some tomato and lettuce. If you want to reduce the amount of salt and carbs, simply remove the upper part of the bun.

2. SUBWAY – Six-inch Turkey Breast Sandwich on nine-grain wheat bread

SUBWAY - Six-inch Turkey Breast Sandwich
SUBWAY – Six-inch Turkey Breast Sandwich

The name speaks for itself – this subway is heeeuge! But it’s also packed with great protein and carb choices.

Turkey breast is one of the cleanest protein sources you can find, as it has less than 1% fat. The wholewheat bread is a great carb source that will actually get rid of hunger without causing your blood sugar levels to skyrocket. You can also add some veggies, mayo or ketchup and you’re good to go. An average sandwich of this kind has about 360 calories. Not a lot for a large, tasty meal.

Next up, it’s over to Wendy’s…

About Luka Klapan 6 Articles
Luka Klapan has been part of the fitness community for over a decade. He's currently situated in Zadar, Croatia, where he's already helped hundreds of personal training clients take their physique to the next level. For the last five years Luka has written countless articles on fitness and self development related topics. It's hard to find anyone more passionate about synthesizing and sharing high quality information on physical exercise, nutrition and supplements.


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