10 Natural Methods to Whiten Your Teeth

10 Clove Power

Cloves are a common spice found in the store cupboard. They have great anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which not only help maintain good oral hygiene, but also prevent plaque formation and tooth staining. Put clove powder directly onto your toothbrush and brush as normal.

All of the above methods can help remove stains from your teeth, creating a whiter smile. Consistency is the key, however, and results will not always be immediate so be patient! Remember that some methods can also damage tooth enamel with long term use, so diligence is also necessary. Don’t forget these methods are to be used alongside regular brushing and not instead of!

About Dr. Sannia 4 Articles
Dr. Sannia Iqbal has a Bachelors of Medicine & Bachelors of Surgery (MBBS). She currently works as a GP to increase her clinical experience and skills.


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