10 menopause symptoms

7. Fatigue

It is very common to feel tired, weak and sleepy during the time of menopause. Also, some women feel as if they have lost their energy. This is sometimes accompanied with irritability and decreased attention.

The sudden appearance of fatigue which leaves a woman unable to enrol in their daily activities is known as “crashing fatigue”. Fatigue is experienced as a result of dropping estrogen levels which reduce energy levels.

Chronic fatigue can have a huge impact on daily life disturbing the work productivity, efficacy and quality of life.

8. Hair loss or hair thinning

Photo by Photoduet

The functions of hair follicles are regulated by estrogens and the falling levels of this hormone during menopause can lead to hair loss and hair thinning.

Hair on the head as well as in the other parts of the body can be affected by this and women will notice this more when they comb their hair or when they are in the shower. Even though this does not have any effect on physical health, loss of hair can affect a woman psychologically.

There are many ways of treating this condition, such as good nutrition, which can play an essential role in reducing hair loss.

About Dr Nuwanthi Fernando 3 Articles
Dr.Nuwanthi Fernando (MD) is passionate about medicine and writing. She received her MD degree at the Vitebsk State Medical University, and is also a member of the European Medical Writers Association. Now with her medical training, she is focussed on writing articles and books so she can share her knowledge and creativity whilst continuing to learn.


The content of this website is not intended to be taken as a replacement for professional medical advice, care, diagnosis or treatment of a doctor, dietician, nutritionist or fitness instructor. If you experience any medical symptoms you should consult your doctor immediately for proper diagnosis and treatment.