9 Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis

7. Skin discoloration

The reduction in blood circulation also causes the skin to lose the natural pink color. If left untreated, the clot might increase in size, and cause a more severe circulation impairment which will result in the area to become bluish and cold to touch.

8. Pulmonary embolism

For some unfortunate patients, the only visible symptom of deep vein thrombosis is a pulmonary embolism. When parts of the clot detach and travel to the heart, they might obstruct the arterial supply of the lungs thereby causing massive destruction of lung tissue. The most common symptoms of pulmonary embolism are the sudden onset of shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, fatigue, increased heart rate or palpitations.

The severity of pulmonary embolism also varies from severe, life-threatening to a fatal condition. Pulmonary embolism represents an acute loss of lung function and has to be treated immediately. Patients with pulmonary embolism require aggressive treatment within intensive care units, but if diagnosed properly, and promptly, this condition might be reversed.

deep vein thrombosis
Photo designed by Jcomp

About Dr Alex Grbovic 13 Articles
Dr Aleksandar Grbović is a medical doctor from the Belgrade University, Faculty of Medicine. He is passionate about promoting medicine by bridging the gap between the patient’s and doctor’s point of view. Currently working in the biggest Occupational Medicine Institute in Serbia and attending the Radiology residency program.


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