8 Symptoms of Chlamydia in Women

7. Bleeding between menstrual periods or after sex

The menstrual cycle may be decontrolled, and you may have mild bleeding between menstruations. In some cases, the blood looks more brownish than usual, and it may appear in small amounts. In contrast, the patient might witness scarce bleeding instead.

It is essential to know that it is not a specific symptom of Chlamydia infection, so any abnormal vaginal bleeding should be consulted with a specialist to determine the cause.

Photo by Teksomolika

About Dr Aury Perozo 13 Articles
Aurelysmar Grimán Perozo is a doctor from the Centroccidental University "Lisandro Alvarado", with a diploma degree in occupational medicine, and certified in CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), and advanced electrocardiography. In addition to her work as a doctor, she also writes as a freelancer in medical research.


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