13 Symptoms of Graves’ Disease

7 Sleep Problems

Patients of Graves’ disease have a hard time falling asleep. You may notice a visible decrease in the amount of hours you sleep compared to before.

8 Tremors

Graves’ disease causes fine tremors of the hands. These tremors are most prominent when the patient extends their arms.

9 Menstrual Abnormalities

If you are a female with Graves’ disease, you may experience menstrual abnormalities. You may experience heavy bleeding, light bleeding or irregular bleeding. Light bleeding is the most common. This is because thyroid hormone may indirectly affects your menstrual cycle.

About Dr. Sannia 4 Articles
Dr. Sannia Iqbal has a Bachelors of Medicine & Bachelors of Surgery (MBBS). She currently works as a GP to increase her clinical experience and skills.


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