13 Symptoms of Graves’ Disease

6 Increased Hunger with Weight Loss

People who suffer from Graves’ disease have an increased appetite and their dietary intake is usually high. However, this increase in food intake does not result in weight gain and can often still result in weight loss. If you have noticed a prominent change in your appetite recently and eat more frequently without gaining weight or you have lost weight consider seeing your doctor for proper diagnosis.

About Dr. Sannia 4 Articles
Dr. Sannia Iqbal has a Bachelors of Medicine & Bachelors of Surgery (MBBS). She currently works as a GP to increase her clinical experience and skills.


The content of this website is not intended to be taken as a replacement for professional medical advice, care, diagnosis or treatment of a doctor, dietician, nutritionist or fitness instructor. If you experience any medical symptoms you should consult your doctor immediately for proper diagnosis and treatment.