13 signs of underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism

11. Infertility

Low levels of thyroid hormone can also interfere with the normal ovulation, which impairs egg formation and fertility and can lead to infertility. Moreover, some of the causes of hypothyroidism — such as some auto-immune disorders like Hashimito disease — can also impair fertility.

12. Slowed heart rate

The most common cardiovascular clinical features of underactive thyroid are slow heart rate (bradycardia), mild hypertension, narrowed pulse pressure, fatigue and cold intolerance.

Hypothyroidism can also lead to an enlarged heart and heart failure in extreme circumstances.

Photo by Asierromero

About Dr Abdullah Cheema 3 Articles
Doctor Abdullah Cheema is a Medical Doctor, nutritionist and wellness coach. He has a deep insight into all aspects of medical health, fitness and nutrition, and has published numerous ebooks and articles.


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