13 signs of underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism

9. Elevated blood cholesterol level

Millions of people with high cholesterol levels in body are unaware of the fact that their cholesterol is elevated due to underlying thyroid pathology.

Undiagnosed and untreated underactive thyroid can also cause elevated cholesterol levels and heart problems, and of the estimated 20+ million Americans with underactive thyroid, at least half are undiagnosed and millions more are not properly treated, making them prone to many other diseases.

10. Irregular menstrual periods

Many menstrual irregularities may be symptoms of undiagnosed underlying thyroid pathology. Girls who have either very early menarche or very late menstruation should be evaluated and investigated for potential thyroid problems, as thyroid abnormalities can frequently be a cause of early or delayed menstruation and puberty.

In addition, any alteration in the menstrual patterns – such as more or less frequent menstrual periods, the onset of substantially lighter or heavier periods, or the lack of periods entirely, should suggest an underlying thyroid disease. Underactive thyroid can cause missing of periods, abnormal menstrual bleeding and other menstrual problems.

Photo by Nensuria

About Dr Abdullah Cheema 3 Articles
Doctor Abdullah Cheema is a Medical Doctor, nutritionist and wellness coach. He has a deep insight into all aspects of medical health, fitness and nutrition, and has published numerous ebooks and articles.


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