10 Symptoms of Gallbladder Diseases

3. Nausea & Vomiting

The gallbladder holds the enzymes needed for proper digestion. In the absence of these enzymes due to a blockage or inflammation, digestion becomes difficult, making the gut bacteria take over and the entire cycle of digestion changes causing frequent episodes of nausea, and in severe cases vomiting. Based only on these symptoms, it’s hard to tell if the gallbladder or pancreas is the cause, since they both secrete specific enzymes essential to digestion.

Nausea and vomiting are unspecific symptoms that may be caused by other conditions too, so they’re just a piece of a puzzle that makes sense only if accompanied with other signs characteristic to gallbladder disease.

Nausea & vomiting. Photo by Lyashenko

About Dr Alex Grbovic 13 Articles
Dr Aleksandar Grbović is a medical doctor from the Belgrade University, Faculty of Medicine. He is passionate about promoting medicine by bridging the gap between the patient’s and doctor’s point of view. Currently working in the biggest Occupational Medicine Institute in Serbia and attending the Radiology residency program.


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