10 Symptoms of Gallbladder Diseases

2. Referred Pain In Back and Right Shoulder

Referred pain is a fascinating phenomenon in medicine that still hasn’t been adequately explained to this day. One of the widely accepted theories suggests that sensory nerves carrying pain impulses from the inflamed gallbladder intersect with sensory nerves from the back and right shoulder, passing the impulses to those nerve fibers. This results in the brain getting false information that the back, shoulder and gallbladder are hurting while in reality, only the gallbladder is affected. This “mistake of nature“ provides valuable information to doctors in the decision making process.

About Dr Alex Grbovic 13 Articles
Dr Aleksandar Grbović is a medical doctor from the Belgrade University, Faculty of Medicine. He is passionate about promoting medicine by bridging the gap between the patient’s and doctor’s point of view. Currently working in the biggest Occupational Medicine Institute in Serbia and attending the Radiology residency program.


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