10 symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

7. Malnutrition

Similar to weight loss, malnutrition is another problem in patients with IBS. It takes a precise amount of time to absorb macro and micronutrients. If the food passes through too slowly, bacteria will use most of the nutrients and overgrow, and if it passes too fast a lot of nutrients will stay out of body’s reach.

Brittle nails and hair, white spots on nails, dry and scaly skin, anemia, decaying teeth, and poor immune function are just some of the signs of malnutrition .

About Dr Alex Grbovic 13 Articles
Dr Aleksandar Grbović is a medical doctor from the Belgrade University, Faculty of Medicine. He is passionate about promoting medicine by bridging the gap between the patient’s and doctor’s point of view. Currently working in the biggest Occupational Medicine Institute in Serbia and attending the Radiology residency program.


The content of this website is not intended to be taken as a replacement for professional medical advice, care, diagnosis or treatment of a doctor, dietician, nutritionist or fitness instructor. If you experience any medical symptoms you should consult your doctor immediately for proper diagnosis and treatment.