10 Signs and Symptoms of Pancreatitis

5 Tense & Tender Abdomen

Along with severe abdominal pain, patients may also experience a tense and tender abdomen. The cause of tenderness is the inflamed pancreas. The abdominal muscles become tense in order to guard the underlying organ by acting as a wall to prevent pain. It is a defense mechanism of the body to protect a diseased organ. Upon touching the abdomen, the patient feels pain and the abdomen feels rigid.

Photo by Asier Relampagoe Studio

6 Rapid Pulse

Another salient symptom of acute pancreatitis is a rapid pulse. A normal pulse rate is between 60-100 beats per minute. Patients of acute pancreatitis may have a pulse rate of over 100. This is due to various inflammatory chemical changes in the body that makes the heart beat faster.

About Dr Aury Perozo 13 Articles
Aurelysmar Grimán Perozo is a doctor from the Centroccidental University "Lisandro Alvarado", with a diploma degree in occupational medicine, and certified in CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), and advanced electrocardiography. In addition to her work as a doctor, she also writes as a freelancer in medical research.


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