10 Flu Symptoms

5 Swollen and painful lymph nodes

This symptom may be particularly prominent in children. The affected lymph nodes (typically those under the chin) are swollen and sore. The severity of this symptom differs among patients.

Typically, in viral infections, only nodes on both sides of the jaws are affected. On the contrary, in bacterial infections, nodes on one side are more prominent than on the other. How do you tell if the nodes swollen? Gently touch the area under the chin and jaw with the fingertips. If swollen, it should feel like touching a small marble of rubbery consistency.

Swollen and painful lymph nodes. Photo by Asier Relampagoestudio

About Dr Alex Grbovic 13 Articles
Dr Aleksandar Grbović is a medical doctor from the Belgrade University, Faculty of Medicine. He is passionate about promoting medicine by bridging the gap between the patient’s and doctor’s point of view. Currently working in the biggest Occupational Medicine Institute in Serbia and attending the Radiology residency program.


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