The 10 best sugar free snacks to eat

5. Peanuts

Unless the gods conspired against you and made you allergic to peanuts, this is another great snack option. Tasty and rich with protein and fats, peanuts have been my personal favorite snack for years. Although they’re high in fat, they contain unsaturated fatty acids which are in fact healthy for many functions within the body.

The problem with peanuts is that they’re really addictive, so you should limit the amount you’re going to eat before you start pounding away at them, or that cutting phase will turn into a bulking one very easily.

About Luka Klapan 6 Articles
Luka Klapan has been part of the fitness community for over a decade. He's currently situated in Zadar, Croatia, where he's already helped hundreds of personal training clients take their physique to the next level. For the last five years Luka has written countless articles on fitness and self development related topics. It's hard to find anyone more passionate about synthesizing and sharing high quality information on physical exercise, nutrition and supplements.


The content of this website is not intended to be taken as a replacement for professional medical advice, care, diagnosis or treatment of a doctor, dietician, nutritionist or fitness instructor. If you experience any medical symptoms you should consult your doctor immediately for proper diagnosis and treatment.